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S-MM2H Eligibility

The S-MM2H programme is open to all countries recognised by Malaysia but the programme has numerous requirements. These requirements include a minimum monthly income, minimum liquid assets, a fixed deposit, plus various other rules. The exclusion of foreign spouses of Malaysian citizens was removed in February 2009 and they are now allowed to apply for the S-MM2H visa. If you do choose to use an agent they must be authorised by the Ministry of Tourism. These companies have the initials “S-MM2H” in the company name.

Our company FSG Home (MM2H) Sdn Bhd is an approved agent for the programme. If you use an agent the initial application can be made without even coming to Malaysia. You will only have to be in Malaysia when the letter of “conditional approval” is issued and you complete the remaining conditions and collect the visa.

Upon Application – Financial Requirements For S-MM2H

Applicants must be not less than 50 years old, while spouse (if any) has no age limit. Applicant who are 40-50 years old , with investment in real estate specifically for residential purpose with a total amount of at least RM 600,000.00 .Applicants who are 30 – 50  years old and above may apply if there is evidence that they have children pursuing further education or undergoing long term medical treatment in Sarawak)


30 – 40 years old

40 – 50 years old

> 50 years old

Real estate investment in Sarawak (Residential only)

Minimum RM600,000

Children education in Sarawak or Long-term medical treatment in Sarawak



Off-shore income (Monthly salary or Government approved pension fund)

RM7,000(Individual) RM10,000 (Couple)


Proof of Saving (Savings Account Statement)

RM50,000(Individual) RM100,000 (Couple)



Fixed Deposit Placement from any local bank (Before application submitted)

RM150,000 (Individual) RM300,000 (Couple)

Upon Approval

 Those who fulfill the following requirements are eligible to apply:

Applicants for the S-MM2H Programme must be 50 years old and above but there is no age requirement for their spouse.

Applicants aged 30 to 50 years may apply if they have children below 18 years old who are pursuing further education in Sarawak; or if they are undergoing long-term medical treatment in Sarawak, with their condition verified by private or government physicians registered with the Malaysian Medical Council.

Applicants of the S-MM2H Programme are expected to be financially capable of supporting themselves for the duration of their participation in the S-MM2H Programme by:

  1. Opening a fixed deposit account with any local bank in Sarawak with a minimum fixed deposit of RM150,000 per individual and RM300,000 per couple; 

AND Either:

  1. Proof of government approved pension funds with minimum RM7,000 for individual and RM10,000 for couple; or 
  2. Proof of monthly off-shore income funds of RM7,000 for individual and RM10,000 for couple.  
  3. Proof of Savings with minimum RM50,000 for individual and RM100,000 for couple; or 

Participants in the S-MM2H Programme are allowed to purchase a residential house in Sarawak at a minimum price of RM600,000.00 per unit in Kuching and RM500,000.00 per unit in other divisions in Sarawak.

S-MM2H participants are allowed to make partial withdrawal (40%) of their fixed deposit from the second year onwards for purchase of a house or car, medical expenses, or education of the participants’ children in Sarawak but must maintain a minimum balance in their fixed deposit account of RM90,000 per individual and RM180,000 per couple during the period of participation in the S-MM2H Programme.

Successful applicants are issued with 10 years of approved visitors pass with a Multiple Entry Visa and applications for extension must be done for the second half of the period (i.e. the 6th to 10th year), subject to the validity of the applicant’s passport and submission of a new medical report.

A participant of the S-MM2H Programme is required to stay at least 30 days in each year in Sarawak.

An applicant of the S-MM2H Programme must have a sponsor who is a Sarawakian and who currently resides in Sarawak or by FSG HOme (MM2H) Sdn Bhd  MM2H-licensed agent that is registered in Sarawak.

All S-MM2H participants and their dependents are required to purchase medical insurance and present proof of the purchase before obtaining the S-MM2H pass. 

Participants of the S-MM2H Programme are not allowed to work for the duration of their participation in the Programme, except where permission has been granted by the Director General of Immigration. The participants of the Programme are also strictly forbidden from participating in activities that are sensitive to local people, politics, missionary work, and in activities that are provocative, instigative, and sensitive in nature that could threaten the security of the country or state

Security Vetting

Applicants will also have to show a police clearance certificate (letter of Good Conduct) from their home country to show they do not have a criminal record.


Successful applicants are not permitted to participate in activities that can be considered as sensitive to the local people like political or missionary activities.

If you have any questions about S-MM2H or would like us to be your agent, please contact us through our free help desk.